Other Design Projects Collective

Other Design Projects Collective


Working different roles in Seattle local startup, ethnic media meanwhile a “random freelancer” for years, I had worked with various industries and businesses, such as firms, non-profits, and small local businesses. I created designs for different organizations with different purposes, presented in different media or formats, including but not limited to a bilingual menu for a Hong Kong Bistro, a news website for ethnic media, a marketing pamphlet for a smart-tech startup, illustrations for visual stories and social media channels, etc.

This collective features some snapshots of my “side job projects”, and I congregate them in a workspace mock-up to showcase some of them. Besides, I put two photos of when attending a media briefing and one business trip. These are all valued experiences that help absorbing design thinking as intuitive.

If you would like to know more details of those “side projects”, kindly leave a comment and I’d be happy to send you more info.

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